These options can help companies accommodate large data volumes, exploit parallel processing environments, simplify the addition or removal of time-sensitive data, and speed performance of many types of queries. 这些选项可以帮助公司应对巨大的数据量,实现并行处理环境,简化时间敏感数据的添加或删除,提高许多查询的性能。
To accelerate the adder, a new parallel integer addition algorithm-carry barrel adder algorithm was proposed. 为了提高加法器的运算速度,提出了一种新型并行整数加法算法&桶形整数加法算法。
In parallel addition, a carry which is produced in one digit place as a result of addition for that digit place and which is propagated to the next high-order digit place. 在并行加法中,一个数字位因在该数位上做加法而产生的进位,该进位并被送至下一个高位数位。
Specially the research on RSA algorithm, parallel idea penetrates into its basic algorithm including modular addition, modular multiply, modular inverse and modular power. 尤其是对RSA算法的研究,并行思想渗透到其基本算法中,这些基本算法主要包括模加、模乘、模逆和模幂运算。
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ( OFDM) is an attractive transmission technique for high-bit-rate communication systems. The experimental results indicate that the application of PROM's multiple-input parallel addition network to the high-bit-rate programmable PCM telemetry frame synchronizer is successful. OFDM(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing),中文含义为正交频分复用,它是一种多载波调制技术。系统实验表明,这种PROM化并行加法网络应用于高速可编程PCM遥测帧同步器是行之有效的。
A mobile agent oriented parallel computing model is introduced. In addition, an algorithm to sort tasks by 10-evenly divided scale strategy and to implement task mapping with surjection strategy is proposed. 介绍了一种面向移动Agent的并行计算模型,给出了采用十标度策略解决任务排序,采用满射策略解决任务映射的算法。
To enhance the efficiency of the parallel computing, we developed a combining dimension technique and an oblique diagonal sweep method in addition to using the general parallel technique. 为了尽可能提高并行计算的效率,除了采取通常的向量化技巧外,在算法上提出了并维技巧和斜对角扫描的方法。
This paper surveys the general concepts of distributed parallel system and distributed shared memory. It also discusses the parallel programming model by using shared objects and reliable broadcasting, in addition to the proposition of an improved parallel programming approach. 本文概述了分布式并行系统和分布式共享存储器的一般概念,讨论了使用共享对象和可靠广播的并行程序设计模型,最后给出了我们的改进模型。
Based on that, the optimum parallel control method for high speed, single CPU controlled thermal printers is proposed. In addition, this method is proved in practice. 在此基础上提出了一种单CPU高速行式热印字机的最优并发控制方式,并在设计实践中得到了验证。
It discusses the requirements of two elevators running in parallel, and principles of paralleling regulation. In addition, the PLC program is provided based on those principles. 论文讨论了对两部并联电梯运行的要求,研究了并联调度的原则,并依据该原则编写出了PLC程序。
The experimental results indicate that the application of PROM's multiple-input parallel addition network to the high-bit-rate programmable PCM telemetry frame synchronizer is successful. 系统实验表明,这种PROM化并行加法网络应用于高速可编程PCM遥测帧同步器是行之有效的。
The multiple-input parallel addition network proposed in this paper is not only capable of processing any weight input directly and quickly, but also simple in construction and easy to realize Computer Aided Design ( CAD). 本文提出的多输入并行加法网络不但具有对于任何权(Weight)的输入信号直接进行高速处理的特点,而且,还具有结构非常简单、容易实现计算机辅助设计(CAD)的优点。
The design of an all PLA parallel addition network 全PLA并行加法网络的设计
A Construction Method for Multi-input Parallel Addition Network With ROMs 全ROM化多输入并行加法网络
A new type of whole-digitized correlation detector based on PROM's multiple-input parallel addition network is introduced. The implementation of its hardware design and the algorithm of its data-table generation are discussed in detail. 提出了一种新的全数字化相关检测器&基于PROM多输入并行加法网络实现的数字相关器,并详细给出了这种数字相关器的硬件设计方法和软件生成算法。
Computer-aided design for multi-input parallel addition network with ROMs 全ROM化多输入加法网络的计算机辅助设计
Parallel counter ROMs and their application for the multiple parallel addition network 并行计数器ROM及其在多输入并行加法网络中的应用
The affects on every parallel connection pump working point are theory analyzed, which are caused by using the simply "horizontal addition" to make sure of the differences of both branch pipe length and every pump intake level; 针对简单的采用横加法来确定因分支管路长度以及各水泵入口点高差的不同,给各并联水泵运行工作点带来的影响进行了理论分析;
LBM inherits the LGA completely parallel, the boundary conditions easy to implement, easy to program, etc. In addition, while gone, such as statistical noise, the pressure depends on the fluid velocity does not satisfy the Galilean invariance and other defects. LBM继承了LGA完全并行、边界条件容易实现、易于编程等优点的同时又去除了诸如统计噪声、压强依赖于流体速度、不满足伽利略不变性等缺陷。
Aim to eliminating above problems, the connection way of three cooling water tanks has chosen the parallel structure compared with series structure, in addition, optimizing the TEG cooling water tank capacity and the cooling liquid inlet and outlet diameter size. 为消除以上问题,将现有的冷端水箱连接方式由串联改为并联,同时在水箱容量、冷却液进出口口径大小两方面进行了水箱的差异化设计。
The thesis explored the design of Turbo decoder based on TTA and verified the possibility to implement the parallel decoding algorithm on TTA. In addition, the function circuit of Log_MAP algorithm has a certain commonality. 本文对TTA架构下Turbo译码器的设计进行了探索,验证了子块并行译码算法在TTA架构下实现的可能性,同时针对LogMAP算法设计的功能电路也具有一定的通用性。
The module adopts four-channel parallel scan instead of serial process. In addition, by using FIFO, the processing delay of each stage is averaged to insure higher efficiency of block-level pipeline. 该模块将以往的串行扫描过程改为四路并行扫描,同时利用FIFO平均每级流水的处理延时,使整个流水线高效率地运行。
The core of the coprocessor is the modular arithmetic units array for parallel computing, while a single modular arithmetic unit is composed of a high-performance scalable Montgomery modualr multiplication unit and a high-performance scalable modular addition and subtraction unit. 该协处理器的核心为并行计算的模算术单元阵列,每个模算术单元由一个高性能可扩展的Montgomery模乘单元和一个高性能可扩展的模加减单元组成。
The proposed parallel ECC point addition and doubling scheduling algorithms are mapped on a parallel architecture that is based on VLIW processor techniques. 在协处理器中,提出了一种基于超长指令字(VLIW)的并行处理架构对ECC并行调度算法进行映射。
The first one is a parallel addition algorithm, which can achieve continuous carry operation with a unified form to represent input and output strands. 首先提出一种并行的DNA加法算法。该算法的特点是能实现连续进位,输入输出链具有统一的形式。
First of all, this paper, from the aspect of algorithm, studies the parallel processing algorithm of public key algorithm based on multicore processor, including the parallelism of Montgomery modular multiplication, point addition and double point based on ECC. 首先在算法上,本论文研究了公钥密码在多核处理器上的并行处理算法,包括对蒙哥马利模乘,椭圆曲线上点加和倍点的并行性进行了开发。